Sanaya Roman Orin Earth Life Series Library

This collection of books offer a systematic course in spiritual growth. Channeling Orin, a timeless being of love and light, Roman provides keys to personal power and spiritual transformation, as well as guidance for sensitive people seeking personal awareness. These powerful books are trusted friends in accelerating my spiritual path and awakening. They remain great sources of inspiration and fresh ideas, no matter how many times I read them. Each book is imbued with energy as well as sacred truths, encoded with messages on many levels that serve to awaken humanity. I can literally feel the presence of light and love that is transmitted with these works, that continues to guide and assist me to this day.
Living with Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation

Living with Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation

Sanaya Roman is a gifted channel that received the teachings from Orin, a timeless being of love and light. The book offers a systematic course in spiritual growth, with transformative meditations and exercises to help readers connect with their inner self and experience love, peace, and abundance in their daily lives. It is the first book in the Earth Life Series.
Personal Power Through Awareness: A Guidebook for Sensitive People

Personal Power Through Awareness: A Guidebook for Sensitive People

A systematic course in sensing energy, with practical exercises to help individuals recognize and clear any unwanted energy such as thoughts, beliefs, and emotions of others, allowing them to stay balanced and centered. The book was given to Roman by Orin, a wise and compassionate being of love and light, and has received positive reviews for its guidance on personal growth and spiritual development.
Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self

Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self

is a comprehensive guide for those seeking personal and spiritual development. The book teaches skills such as non-attachment, right use of will, transparency to others' energies, and communicating as your Higher Self to help readers cultivate more satisfying relationships with others and become a source of light. Spiritual Growth is one of six books channeled by Roman from the spiritual teacher Orin, who has been guiding readers towards their potential for over 25 years.
Soul Love: Awakening Your Heart Centers

Soul Love: Awakening Your Heart Centers

Sanaya Roman teaches readers how to open their hearts to experience more love for themselves and others. This book explores how soul love brings wisdom, understanding, compassion, inclusiveness, freedom, and joy, and how it can be used to transform negative energy and create loving, nurturing relationships. It provides techniques for lifting, purifying, expanding, harmonizing, balancing, and transforming energies.
Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance

By James L. Furrow, Susan M. Johnson, and Brent A. Bradley, this is a reference book for clinicians, students, professors, and supervisors who use or teach Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) in their practice or training. The book features hands-on case studies with concrete guidelines and illustrations for the adaptation and application of EFT with specific treatment populations. It is a comprehensive guide to the latest advancements and directions in treating couples using EFT.
Opening to Channel: How to Connect with Your Guide

Opening to Channel: How to Connect with Your Guide

In The New Rules of Marriage, Terry Real presents a powerful message that women need to hear: every woman has the power to transform her marriage, while men, given the right support, have it in them to rise to the occasion. Real, a distinguished therapist and bestselling author, introduces readers to a radically new kind of relationship, based on a new set of rules for modern relationships. The book is a must-read for anyone seeking to improve their marriage or relationship.